Aromatherapy Safety

Using Essential Oils Safely for Aromatherapy

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts and using them safely should always be top of mind.
Remember, “If it can cure you, it can kill you.”

When practicing Aromatherapy with Essential Oils, it's important to know:

  • Certain essential oils should NOT be used internally or on the skin, and some essential oils contain constituents which may irritate or sensitize the skin if applied without first being diluted in a carrier
  • Do not take essential oils internally without the education and understanding of the safety issues for that essential oil
  • Never use more essential oil than the recommended daily dose
  • Always avoid using essential oils around the eyes and mucous membranes
  • Some essential oils should not be used directly on the skin without first being diluted in a carrier or base oil

Essential Oil Dilution Chart

Weight of Carrier 1% dilution 2% dilution 3% dilution
1 ounce 5-6 drops 10-12 drops 15-18 drops
2 ounce 10-12 drops 20-24 drops 30-36 drops
3 ounce 20-24 drops 30-36 drops 45-54 drops

Dilution Explanation

1% Dilution

This dilution is used for children under 12, and seniors over 65, pregnant women and people with long-term illnesses or immune systems disorders. A 1% dilution is also a good place to start with individuals who are generally sensitive to fragrances, chemicals or other environmental pollutants.

2% Dilution

This dilution is used on adults in good health, for blends that support skin care, for natural perfumes, bath oils, and blends you use every day or long-term.

3% Dilution

This dilution is used when creating a blend for an acute injury, pain relief or getting through a cold or flu. Blends made at this dilution are used only for a week or two.

Using Essential Oils "Neat"

Here are two reasons to not do this:

  1. You can develop a sensitivity to the oils
  2. Many essential oils are too irritating to use without dilution

Essential oils can be used neat as follows:

  • Small specific areas, acute situations (cut or wound, bee sting, bug bite and burn) and for short-term use
  • These must be highest quality, non-oxidized oils

Skin Patch Testing

There are two ways to do a Skin Patch Test:

1. Testing a Blend Diluted in a Base Oil

  • Wash and dry the forearm with an unscented soap (like Dr. Bronner’s)
  • Apply enough of the essential oil blend to moisten but not saturate
  • Cover with a sterile gauze
  • Leave in place 24 hours, unless burning or irritation occurs
  • If any irritation occurs, do not use

2. Testing Undiluted Essential Oils

  • Wash and dry the forearm with an unscented soap (like Dr. Bronner’s)
  • Apply 1-drop of the essential oil to the crook of the arm
  • Close arm (hand to shoulder) for five minutes
  • Open and close once again
  • If stinging or any irritation occurs, wash with soap and water or wipe with a cotton ball saturated with milk or a vegetable oil (like olive oil). The poison control center recommends washing with soap and water

Have questions about Aromatherapy or using essential oils? Contact Dorine.

Information provided on this website by The Red Phoenix is for personal information, personal interest and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician. We recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider if you have any health concerns whatsoever.

If you have any health problems or suffer from a chronic condition or are taking any medication you should always seek advice from your healthcare provider prior to using aromatherapy.

Please note that The Red Phoenix accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils or other products or for any reliance on the information provided by us via our website or other social media channels. Use of information provided in The Red Phoenix classes or website shall be at the users discretion and sole responsibility.