Morning Motivation Diffuser Blend: Energize Your Day Naturally
Morning Motivation Diffuser Blend: Energize Your Day Naturally Starting your morning with energy and focus can set the tone for…
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Where should my bed go? What’s the best place for my desk? Those familiar with Feng Shui know things like bed and desk placement are important for support in life. But those notions just scratch the surface of Feng Shui, and what it offers through its tradition, science and mysterious power. As you grow in your practice of Feng Shui, it becomes an integral part of your life – a tool you couldn’t imagine living without.
Already familiar with Feng Shui – been practicing it a while and want to go deeper?
Or new to Feng Shui, but ready to immerse yourself it its life-changing principles?
Living Feng Shui is for you. It’s a customized program that will help you integrate Feng Shui into your everyday living. Its structure allows you to ease into the power Feng Shui has to change your life, and absorb its principles, step-by-step.
During the program, you will also have unlimited access to me via phone and email, for all your Feng Shui questions. I will help you clarify any issues as they come up, as you and your home go through the changes that inevitably come when you incorporate Feng Shui into your life.
Feng Shui is a wonderful tool to bring about dramatic changes in your home and in your life. An important part of Feng Shui is your intention. We will discuss your intentions for the future – what is going on currently, what you’d like to change, and what outcomes you would like to see – generally, why you chose this Living Feng Shui Lifestyle program. Through the telling of and the listening to your personal story, your plan will begin to take form.
During this part, we do a walk-through of your home and your story will continue as you tell me about your home, how you use rooms, areas of the house you love and areas you are not comfortable with. We will also discuss past owners of the property (if known) and the circumstances that led you to purchasing this property, as well as the layout of the Feng Shui Bagua (energy map) on your blueprint.
We will continue to use the Bagua and your floorplan to analyze your home, and work on your specific issues and intentions. During this second appointment, we will be paying special attention to your bedroom, your office, your entry, and the exact center of your home. These are influential, important spaces in our Feng Shui process.
Using the household members’ birthdate information, we will be working with the Ming Gua, also known as “The Trigram of Fate.” Using this powerful Feng Shui tool, we will find your four auspicious directions, as well as your four challenging directions. With this information, we will learn the best position for your bed, the best direction for your desk to face, your favorite chair, and which direction you should face while eating and cooking.
Using your floor plan and the Bagua, we will balance the energy of the Five Chinese Elements; Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. This adds yet another layer of energy, as we continue to work with your home and your intentions. Your personal story will begin to change as we make adjustments and enhancements to bring harmony and balance into your home and your life.
As this program comes to a conclusion, we will review what changes you have made in your home and how these changes have affected your life. We will notice how your personal story is developing. Now that you are confident your home will support you and you are living a more balanced life, we will look at your plan to move forward. What will the next chapter bring?
We will conclude our time together by performing a blessing or clearing ceremony that will clear any negative energy and also provide protections and clarity for you as you move forward.
Ready to Begin? Contact Dorine to start the process, or with questions about the program.