Morning Motivation Diffuser Blend: Energize Your Day Naturally
Morning Motivation Diffuser Blend: Energize Your Day Naturally Starting your morning with energy and focus can set the tone for…
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Posted by Dorine King on August 3rd, 2017 in Acne, Case Studies, Class Schedule
Are you tired of those pesky pimples that seem to pop up on your face just as you are preparing for a big date? Do you feel plagued by monthly acne? I know this seems like the only time they appear. Gross right? It usually begins during early puberty, but it can happen any time and to anyone, no matter what your age. Acne is a result of hormone imbalance and it can also be cyclic. It appears on your face, neck, chest, back and even your shoulders. The pimples seem to take forever to heal and it seems that just as one heals, another appears. It seems to never end.
Depending on how severe your case is, acne can not only scar your skin, but your emotions as well. The sooner you treat acne, the lower your chances of lasting scars physically or emotionally. So what can you do to head them off at the pass and stop them before you have to pop them? Essential oils, a realistic and sensible diet, exercise and fresh air will often clear up the problem, and stop it before you have to pop it. When you exercise and breathe in the fresh air, your lymphatic flow in increased, allowing toxins to be taken away and circulation is improved. This helps to allow oxygen and nutrients to reach the skin. Acne is bacterial and inflammatory. Essential oils can help with the healing process.
Avoid such things as smoking, alcohol, coffee (I know, right?), tea and chocolate. Eliminating dairy products, especially cream and hard cheese will also essay writing help. Fruit does not necessarily help but it doesn’t hurt, and eating vegetables will really help. Vitamin A helps a lot as does Carrot Seed essential oil and a few others.
Carrot Seed essential oil is useful for skin infections and helps restore tone moisture. It is nice used in facial steams, face creams and body butters. It’s even good for your hair!
Geranium essential oil is stimulating to the lymph. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s energy is considered cool and moist and it clears heat and inflammation as well as relaxing to the nerves and calms anxiety.
Lavender essential oil is very soothing, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Some of its skin-healing properties help heal burns, bug bites, wounds (owies for kids), rashes, acne and skin irritations and infections. Honestly, if you only have one essential oil, choose Lavandula angustifolia – it’s sorta like the aspirin of the Aromatherapy world – my go-to oil.
Neroli essential oil is one of my favorite essential oils for many reasons. It is soothing and calming to the nervous system, especially when used in small amounts and blended with other calming oils (hello Lavender!). It’s aroma is amazing. Neroli is an antidepressant and is helpful in reducing anxiety. It is a strong oil so only use a drop or two (it’s expensive too, so don’t over use or waste it). It is anti-infectious and especially anti-bacterial and used in many skin care products.
is often used for fungal infections. Try putting a dab of Tea Tree on a pimple or infected area of acne. It will help to clear it up.
I recommend you play soothing or meditative music while doing this.
Learn more about essential oils and what they can do for you and your family. Check out my Fall Aromatherapy Classes at
Aromatically yours,