Posted by Dorine King on December 24th, 2016 in

Living Feng Shui Lifestyle Program

Feng Shui is more than just moving furniture Where should my bed go? What’s the best place for my desk? Those familiar with Feng Shui know things like bed and desk placement are important for support in life. But...

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Posted by Dorine King on in

In-Home / Office Appointment

Create a Balanced Space for a Balanced Life We can all feel off-balance at times. Whether going through tough times or small everyday challenges, making changes in your space with Feng Shui can help calm the chaos. Are you...

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Posted by Dorine King on in

ZOOM Mini Feng Shui Appointment

Short on time? Let’s get right to the point! Just have a quick Feng Shui question? I can answer that! A ZOOM Mini Appointment is fun and easy. All you need is a laptop computer, tablet or phone with...

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Posted by Dorine King on in

Floor Plan Analysis

Not sure how to position the Feng Shui Bagua over your floor plan or room? Not sure what a Feng Shui Bagua is? Send your floor plan to me! I will correctly overlay the Bagua onto your home or...

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